Matt Miller

School Spirit Vending Provides a wide range of benefits to help your school’s fundraising needs, including:

FREE.No upfront expense to your school for equipment or product inventory.

EASY.No more work than cashing a check! We handle all equipment servicing and product rotataion, so your volunteers will have no additional work added to their already busy schedules.

CUSTOMIZABLE.We start with a sticker machine, and can add gel pens, erasers, and pencils, depending on your school’s needs.

CONSTANT USE.Our machine offers a rotation of cool kids’ stickers, gel pens, erasers, and pencils. These products are refreshed regularly, so the machine remains relevant to students in your school.

REGULAR FUNDS.A percentage of all machine revenues go directly to the school, PTA, or PTO following each service cycle.

NO ELECTRICITY NEEDED.Our equipment is 100% mechanical.










Contact Matt Miller

  • Cell: 832-661-6536